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Each block supports various options and this class keeps track of them all in the same place. It is strictly a data class and does not perform any functions.

public class BlockOptions {

The soundbank is the number describing the patch location in the synthesizer. It most likely will not be used but is available for custom instrument additions.

    private int soundbank;

The instrument is the id of the instrument. It does not guarantee the desired instrument selection because each synthesizer is free to change the instrument patches but there does exist a standard instrument set that is wrapped by the GeneralMidiInstrument class.

    private int instrument;

Percussion blocks accept GeneralMidiPercussion as identifiers and need to go on their own channel so the programmer must mark the block as a percussion block. The value of that flag is stored here.

    private boolean percussion;

The loop option specifies how many times to repeat the single block that the option is turned on for. If the options are copied the loop value is reset to 0 so that it remains only in the declared block. A loop value less than or equal to 0 implies no repetitions.

    private int loop;

The octave is used to resolve pitch or chord descriptions during compilation. It specifies the base octave that all relative pitches are derived from.

    private int octave;

The selected channel is an optional parameter with the value -1 if the value is not specified. A selected channel forces the track managers hand in selecting a channel. This is not usually used as most midi details are hidden but it allows full control for the programmer if needed.

    private int selectedChannel = -1;

The share channel is a work around for specifying a channel. We want the programmer to help the track manager select a channel for the block but this option allows additional selection constraints without exposing the midi channel id. Channels that use the same instrument may share a channel if we run out. Otherwise the 2 will exist on separate channels.

    private String shareChannel;

There are 3 constructors offered by this class. The first being a direct parameter to field assignment allowing the caller to directly specify the default values.

    public BlockOptions(int soundbank, int instrument, boolean percussion, int loop, int octave) {
        this.soundbank = soundbank;
        this.instrument = instrument;
        this.percussion = percussion;
        this.loop = loop;
        this.octave = octave;

The second constructor is a copy constructor that copies the data from the passed in constructor to the new instance. As mentioned in the loop field description this copy reset the loop field as it is fragment specific.

    public BlockOptions(BlockOptions options) {
        this.instrument = options.instrument;
        this.percussion = options.percussion;
        this.loop = 0;
        this.octave = options.octave;
        this.soundbank = options.soundbank;

The last constructor is a default constructor that sets base values for all of the fields.

    public BlockOptions() {
        this.instrument = GeneralMidiInstrument.ACOUSTIC_GRAND_PIANO.midiNum();
        this.percussion = false;
        this.loop = 0;
        this.soundbank = 0;
        this.octave = 4;

The following methods are a collection of getter and setters for manipulating the various properties.

    public void setInstrument(Token name) {
        GeneralMidiInstrument instrument = GeneralMidiInstrument.lookup(name.getText());
        if (instrument == null)
            throw new UndefinedReferenceException(name, "Unknown instrument "+name.getText());
        this.instrument = instrument.midiNum();

    public void setInstrument(int instrument) {
        this.instrument = instrument;

    public void setSoundbank(int soundbank) {
        this.soundbank = soundbank;

    public int getSoundbank() {
        return soundbank;

    public int getInstrument() {
        return instrument;

    public boolean isPercussion() {
        return this.percussion;

    public void setPercussion(boolean percussion) {
        this.percussion = percussion;

    public int getLoopCount() {
        return this.loop;

    public void setLoopCount(int loopCount) {
        this.loop = loopCount;

    public int getOctave() {
        return octave;

    public void setOctave(int octave) {
        this.octave = octave;

    public void setChannel(int channel) {
        this.selectedChannel = channel;

    public boolean isChannelSelected() {
        return this.selectedChannel != -1;

    public int getSelectedChannel() {
        return this.selectedChannel;

    public void setSelectedChannel(int selectedChannel) {
        this.selectedChannel = selectedChannel;

    public String getShareChannel() {
        return shareChannel;

    public void setShareChannel(String shareChannel) {
        this.shareChannel = shareChannel;